Wednesday 19 March 2014

Someday Summary - Wednesday.

Hello ladies. Firstly, I just wanted to sit and have a chit chat. As much as i love beauty posts etc i do also love to just chit chat with a post like this, i do hope this is okie on your feeds? I like the idea of it muchly.

It's my birthday in 31 days, eeep. I'm somewhat nervous about this one though as i'm turning twenty three. Now, i get comments, id and everything no-one believes i'm in my twenties. Which is lovely, i forget i am sometimes but i'm quite sad about it really, older and wiser - now if you knew me in the flesh you'd see i'm a big kid at heart i like cookies, disney films, milkshakes, chocolate spread on my crumpets, i'm very scared of the dark haha. it's only really sinking in that i'm getting older really if i'm honest. I don't feel particularly old or anything but yeah, it's just sinking in that i'm getting older it's quite scary. 


I've turned in this worrier. That's what i'm personally naming myself, 'worry-bag' It's stupid and i run myself down so brimming easy, i upset easy and if something upsets me, it'll stay with me throughout the day. I over think and scare easy and lately although i have had nothing to worry about, there's been situations where i have over thinked and i've now told myself enough is enough, worry-bag is no-more ha. 


The sun being out and showing his face is making me so happy and excited for dresses and warm walks with my better half. I love it being out as i find it changes my mood instantly and puts smile on my face. I'm thinking if it's nice this weekend or next i'm whipping out a maxi dress, i'd say flip-flops but i don't own any yet, primark trip in order.. Too early? Ha 


My boyfriend is a super duper babe. He's really lovely and deserves the biggest mention - He's been very supportive and is like my best friend really. I don't know how i'd cope without him, it's cheesy i know but hey, he deserves a mention, super babe. It's lovely to find someone you're so comfortable around and still be happy even stuffing 6 chips in your mouth and they still wanna snuggle with you. 


Also, i'd just like to say a little.. Well it's a massive one - Thank you. To everyone who reads and takes a peek at my blog, i appreciate every single follow or comment i receive. I find it so astonishing if i'm honest, i must be as dull as dishwater haha but no, it's lovely. I'm so over the moon with nearly 40 followers, to some they'd say don't be silly but even just 10 makes my day. Thank you ladies, you're awesome. 'Blushes'


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