Monday 2 January 2017

2017 Wants, Goals & Musts & 2016 Reflection.

It really is beyond bonkers that 2017 is now amongst us and within our grasp, it honestly does feel like i was just putting the tree up with mum like two days ago and now, it's 2017 and it honestly scares the wits outta me with how fast the year really does fly by and it does also make you realise how important it is to make the most of the time you have and make sure you're making the time count for you and spending every last minute living and loving life. I hope you all had a wonderful new year and an amazing christmas with all your loved ones, i will have a boxing day sales haul and what i got for christmas post following shortly after this one, i absolutely love seeing those posts and videos as i'm extremely nosy but i did want to get this one up first as i adore these too, i love seeing people's goals for the new year and what they achieved last year, they're so inspirational and as i said, i'm nosey. 

before you read on, may i suggest a cuppa and some snacks because i am known to ramble..  I have lacked motivation and if i'm being honest i haven't been feeling like myself the last couple of weeks before christmas so i didn't really feel like blogging - but hey, we're all only human and to be honest, more than likely it's the new year but i do feel motivated. I'm feeling ready to tackle 2017 and this year will be MY year. Lets be having you 2017!

2016 Reflection/ Summed Up. 

2026 personally feel me feels as if i blinked and 12 months rolled by in the blink of an eye, this year was very up and down for me. If you wasn't aware i'm chronically poorly. I prefer the term poorly as to ill, poorly to me gives me hope of getting better. This year i was diagnosed which was amazing, emotional and a rollercoaster all at the same time, i have been poorly for a long time since my teens, it was a huge relief to finally get some answers believe me, i do intend on doing a blog post about this at some point. 

I got a new job, i finally found my feet with this i feel - trying to work and being chronically poorly isn't something i find easy, it's definately taught me a lot in terms of balance and trying to maintain a healthy, normal life in balance with an illness. it's still the most difficult thing in the world but as everyday rises this challenge is there, i hope with time it'll be come easier, we have to hope. 

I went Vegan! Again, this hasn't been easy, it's not something i took on light hearted. It's something i made a commitment too. I have struggled in some aspects such as foods i use to love before and such. I have found my feet with this now and can say overall as i have embarked on this journey, i have become a more compassionate person and has overall made me more spritual, more loving and happier. It's really powerful and it's by far one of the best things i have ever done - i'm now one year meat/diary free. 

Myself, personally this year in many ways. I have found my mental health has been tested, hugely. It's been a tough year in a lot of ways and areas i'm thankful however because it's challenged me and there are times admitely where i've almost thrown the towel in and thought 'I can't do this' But i have pushed through and i'm glad i have. It's cost me a lot where Anxiety has held me back but in others it's also sparked me to enjoy life. 

Friendship.  I have lost this year with friendships but i have also gained many too and i have also found myself getting in touch with friends that i have had before but we didn't talk a lot or hadn't spoken in a long time. It's taught me a lot about chasing and making the effort and what meaning of friendship truly is and what it means to be someones friend. 

Luna, this year i got a puppy! She's no longer a puppy but she's so dinky and cute i do often still think of her that way. What an amazing adventure having her has been! I regret nothing with getting her, in fact i think i may become a crazy dog lady. Luna is my best friend and she too, has helped to make me into the person i believe i have came throughout the year. 

2017 Goals / Resolutions & Musts!

Looking After Myself / Putting ME first.  This is a very important one for me, the type of person that i am (not that there is anything wrong with this) but i love seeing everyone happy, if everyone else is happy that makes me happy in return but i do find, sometimes i will base everything on this and it's about time i start thinking of my own happiness and really think of me before, be a little selfish in terms of i. Myself needs to come first more, with everything i do, in all aspects of life. I need to really learn to say no and not worry about the outcome of this, i do too much sometimes and suffer.

I want to look after myself properly, i want to eat healthier, look after myself better, take care of number one and tone top these thighs, stay away from the sugar Amy!

Illnesses/ Seeking Proper Help & Sorting These.  Again, something very important. I'm going to seek help for my Anxiety, i know it can't be gone forever but i can learn to manage it and stop this from holding me back so much so i can live life to how i want to live it and how it should be lived. In terms of pain i want to seek help with learning to cope with this or finding other methods instead of medications.

Hobbies / College & Studying. It took me the longest jouney after leaving school of knowing what it was i wanted to do or who i wanted to be. What career path was for me, i had subjects etc that i loved but i really needed to live life and experience and grow into the person i am today, before knowing all of this. I know now, i fully intend on studying again and for a long time too my illnesses held me back, not this year, this year will be my year. 

I also want to spend more time with my hobbies, embracing them. I do have talents and i need to embrace those and spend more time embarking on them & Blogging more. 

Here's a collection of my favourite photos from 2016. 

Adventures / More Plans With Family & Friends. I really want this year to be about this, I want more plans for me and my friends. Even if that's just being spent having a few wines in a pub or brief meetings for coffee. After, loosing my Nan it taught me a lot about just how precious it is to be amongst your loved ones and be with them. 

I also want this year to be filled with lots of adventures and that does include seeing the world - no anxiety holding me back this time!

Here goes to 2017!

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