Thursday 26 November 2015


It can be so easy to fall into that rut, the not liking yourself rut. Where everything gets on top of you rut, where you hate how you look rut, every damn little thing gets you feeling down rut - I know, just how difficult that can be, I wasn't always as confident as I am now, I use to be this shy, closed in, timid little thing. This is coming from someone who spent their secondary school years being bullied by the other girls in my year, constant nit-picking at the way you look on an every day basis isn't easy to shake off let me tell you. This use to effect me in so many ways you couldn't even imagine, I'd be weary of crowds out of fear of being judged. It's not easy to pick yourself back up when something like this happens, sadly to say it massively played a part in my low self esteem and lack of confidence issues for sure, if not being the major culprit.

One day however after crying in the toilet's, I decided enough was enough and I didn't want to be this timid, shy, feeling like I wasn't good enough or I wasn't going to achieve. I gave up on these feelings, I decided I wanted to stand taller and be someone I can happy to see staring back at the mirror. - Even having Anxiety issues, I still wanted to not be held back. When you realize people are putting you down because they want to see you fall and out of jealously, once you learn that, you'll then start to think why should I give them that satisfaction? You're just you, I am just me, this is who you are. You should never ever have to change to please someone else, if they tell you to do so elimate that from your life, you don't need toxic people like this if someone really appreciates you for you, you wont have too. “One's dignity may be assaulted, vandalized and cruelly mocked, but it can never be taken away unless it is surrendered.”  - Micheal J Fox.

Sometimes all it takes is just simple changes, steps if you wish. I found these really helpful if i'm honest it's time to find you, be you and embrace how incredible you are, praise yourself and love you for you.

stop comparing yourself  Lets be honest here, we're all guilty of this. I use to do this so much to the point where i'd physically and emotionally feel so awful about myself, looks, the way my body was, allsorts of things if i'm honest, even the daftest. We don't see other peoples flaws, the things they don't like about themselves just the good things resulting in of course, us seeing our worst bits and pieces or the things about ourselves that we don't like this then leaving us in the crummiest of moods as the inevitable of 'putting our selves down in comparing' we're then left with despair. It's difficult with every day life, adverts and social media etc thinking we have to look a certain way, act or be the 'skinner girl not the curvy one' you can strive for those things though, if you've seen an image and you want to work towards something, it's a goal of yours then you go for that. Or simply, honestly your body, your image, you in general, you're brilliant and start to believe that. Just reject those feelings of wanting to compare you to someone else, by the way i'm not just saying it can just be an image you can compare yourself too, it can be anything.

Celebrate You. This is so important, this really helped me and it still does. We're all different and you life is yours, and yours alone. You can do as you please - it was designed to be lived by anyone else. You don't have to be like anyone else or pretend to be someone your not. You also don't need to be accepted by anyone else in order to be you either, don't forget the important things like your talents, the things you're good at, the things that you love and the things that make you, you. Things like thinking you're no good or you don't do what that person does or the higher in the job role, things such as these can really hold you back stop you from wanting to shine it can even hold you back wanting to learn something or apply for that certain job role, talking from experience I have done this, many times. I simply now, embrace what i'm good at, love what I do and have confidence in them, you'll go far, kids.

Focus on nothing but the good. This one is something I have struggled with the most definitely, I have anxiety and I think it's so, so easy to just see the negatives and get into that cycle of then feeling bad, low, down and upset and that spur of bad thinking leading onto another way of seeing the issue or issues again and again, when simply just try and see it in a good way, pick apart that bad thought and think ' just because I have a bad day doesn't mean tomorrow will be bad' etc. Be your own centre of attention, stop dwelling and think positive. It's easy once you've done it a few times, I personally keep a diary as sad as that may sound, I will tell myself well done when I have had a good day or something good as happened. Self compassion never hurt anyone my deer's.

learn from the past or mistakes.  Life was never suppose to be you successfully being able to just master every single task. I'd get so upset when I couldn't do something, driving lessons being an example of this, I don't know why we just get so beat up when we fail, or I. But that's just life, i'd then feel so bad afterwards because when doing the task, steering whatever it was again I did it, mistakes are vital. We learn from them we need them in our lives. It helps to motivate us and to help us. ' if at first you don't succeed try, try again' you have all the time you need, life isn't going anywhere and neither are you.

Helping someone. This is so great, it really shows your worth and really does prove to you that you are important it gives us the realization that we do make a difference. Just sitting down with your friend having a cuppa and helping them in their time of need, I help my mum around the house and she really appreciates the extra hand to help and tells me just how helpful I have been. I love helping other people, in fact I try to be there for my friends, boyfriend, anyone if they need it. In return all these people are there for I when I need a shoulder or a strong drink after a hard, emotional day. You may just make yourself feel awesome.

Have dreams, goals, wants and wishes. I have challenged myself so much on my journey to finding my worth and building my confidence, these 4 things make such a difference even if you're like myself or not in that being chronically poorly and just saying to myself, today I will go out and live life. Then doing exactly that is awesome, yes i'll award that, i'll tell myself '' good for me '' or again, like me, suffer with anxiety and that's stopped you from filling off your wanty list.. anyone else have a list of things you want to do? just me?
It's such a great motivator and really warrants you into challenging yourself and achieving so many incredible things, I have things completely bonkers that maybe wont happen but I feel so good for having these aspirations and dreams and goals Id love, intend and hope that'll happen, it's amazing when they do.

Love your weaknesses. These 'weaknesses' make you, you and make you human. I lived by these for so long i'm chronically ill, I have anxiety, i'm not good at this' etc, etc the amount you can think up is crazy. But these made me feel like I wasn't perfect, I had to go by these weaknesses make me lack confidence and really effecting my self esteem massively and ironically making me feel more unwell and triggering yet more anxiety - of course no body is perfect, we all, like you and I have these weaknesses. Accepting them for what they are is the biggest step, I have accepted mine now and when I do fail i'm not phased because im no longer caught out by them, they are me, they make me and make me human.

Circle of support // know you're loved. This has massively played such a part in my life, i'm sometimes left with feeling of being a bad friend because of my illness per say and I cannot hang out with them or where I have had to cancel before on plans and just end up feeling like crummy. I use to find letting people In and opening up to them and letting them see my heart daunting, terrifying and scary and when you think about that, that isn't ridiculous because that is a big thing. Having someone that loves you for all you are, flaws, warts and all. Everything is incredible. If that's a friend, family, partner whoever that may be. It's a real self-confidence builder - just a simple '' you'll do great today ''  or  '' you look great '' makes such a change, you leave that house with a smile, you're set up. Its also really builds you up.

Of course I still get down days, of course I do, i'm only human like you. It's easy to instantly think negatively and not see any good in yourself. Self confidence and knowing your worth is what makes you want to push yourself and challenge yourself into making your dreams // goals and wants a reality. I hope this helps some of you, I know it can take a while to be able to build your confidence but myself, I started small and then built myself up now I feel happy in my own skin, this is who I am. I only get one body, one mind etc I should embrace what I have. Embrace my skills, embrace my talents and be comfortable in my own skin.


Sunday 22 November 2015


I really use to dislike Sunday's, I found them long and just seemed to be never ending now I cant wait for them to come along, besides the post sunday anxiety feeling you get knowing tomorrow is a Monday haha but other than that, they're so good now. I love them, I just started to learn how benefit from them and how to appropriately use my time on a sunday, they really are a day of rest, they're for taking out some time for you and just to shut off your engine and take the day off basically. I just thought i'd share this post with my 5 ways I personally like to spend my sunday - I hope you find this useful and I hope you enjoy.

Sleep In // Stay In Bed For A While.  Spend some time on you, just have a refresh. If you've had an hectic week like most, especially now around this time of year while the festive season is kicking in the working week can be so demanding and physically exhausting. I like to spend an hour or so just relaxing watching some Netflix, cuddling up with my puppy and spending some time with my Carl, just listening about his week and what this week is going to be like, things like that. Sometimes just taking out some time for you makes an absolute world of a difference in your mood and really make you ready for your day.

Bubble Bath // Pamper Session In The Evening.  I love spending a sunday doing this, a good bubble bath with a lush product of some kind. Face mask, hair mask sometimes i'll even apply a little fake tan. This is such a huge mood transformer, really, really does pick you up. I love doing this so much, it's like a little bit of love to yourself from yourself. Really helps to prepare you for the week too, personally if my skin is feeling good then i'm feeling good :) or shower if you prefer, I just think a warm, bubble filled bath with a candle lit and a glass of wine is the ultimate relaxing treat, much needed on a cold wintery sunday evening.  

Disney DVD Session // Catch Up With Series // Watch A Uplifting Film.  Sunday's are the best excuse to delve into your collection and dig out a couple of films, personally I love a good Harry Potter or i'll choose a good Disney dvd but they need to be films that make you laugh, make you smile and lift your mood and really make you feel really good inside. I personally love Wreck It Ralph, Tangled and Princess And The Frog. They're such good ones for this, of course you can mix and match and choose your faves, mine just happen to be them as well as many others of course, I can never have just one fave film! I also really love,  Love Rosie and The Holiday, great films. You could however catch up on series you've been loving on Netflix or watch something new, i'm loving The Walking Dead right now. I also have a guilty pleasure that being Come Dine With Me - obsessed.

Go For A Stroll // Take The Dog Out // Get Some Air // Dine Out.  Wrapping up most importantly haha but this is so good for the soul, its so lovely to get out doors and see the world and take in some air. Autumn walks are one of my favourite things to do personally, all the colours and crunching of the leaves, I love this time of year so much it's just beautiful outdoors, I personally can't be in all day. I like to get out, I like taking Luna out for a walk she likes to be outside just as much I do. There's also the option of dining out, walking a small distance and eating a lovely lunch out with your other half, what a lovely treat to end the week that is.

Get Them Chores Out Of The Way.  I really like to get on with all the chores on a sunday, this way I can get them all out of the way and it's a load off and doesn't need to be worried or thought about again. I know like myself I hate chores, I really, really do haah but they're a must and I just like to get my ironing done, my washing and other various bits all sorted and then it's dusted.

Friday 20 November 2015

Life Rambles | Getting A Puppy, Mental Health & Chronic Ilness.

okay, okay let's address the elephant in the room. It's been a long old time since I sat down at my laptop and tapped away at my keys, hello loves. I don't even know where to begin, but If you'd like to continue to read onwards i'd get a cup of tea in one hand. I love that aspect of the bloggery-world that you can just sit down and share to your hearts content - It's really therapeutic for me to be honest. It's nice to have that space on the interwebs to just sit down and type away. I really think it's very important to share somewhat personal-ish parts because it's nice for your readers to see your not a robot, i'd love to say it's all good and positive days but sadly this is the real world and it's not like that, there's just as many tough, down and difficult days believe me, for one that's been a common occurance. I think I put way too much pressure on myself when I was in the swing on my bloggery-ways. But I do that, I much better now but at first when I started this journey - I love blogging, going away really made me sort of think and re-evaluate what I wanted to post, now i'm going to be focussing on everything and anything. I never really had a time frame either of how many times I wanted to upload a week, now I have a idea and I feel like i'm more structured, I've notebook filled with posts - keep your peepers pen and ready - I just also, wanted to thank you for comments and for following and baring with! - it's really, honestly appreciated. If you have any ideas on what you'd like too see please feel free to let me know, that'll be awesome. It's a lovely little hobby that I intend to keep :)

Luna-bear - the best little puppy in the world.

Luna was a surprise, a present from the most loveliest boyfriend. She's 6 months now, if you're interested i'm happy to post updates and such on her. You'll fall in love with her just as much as I am - she's so wonderful, loving, affectionate and honestly i'm smitten. She's really impacted my life in such an incredibly, amazingly way. I'm so thankful for her.

As you can imagine a lot of my time has been spent, on regular visits to the vets, walkies in the park, showing her off to everyone, she gets so much attention I think she gets annoyed with it aha she's great though, happy to lick and play bite anyone who crosses her path. It's insane to think just how much she's grown, she's the smallest out of her litter and she definitely still is very little, I think she'll stay little too, even when she gets older, I absolutely love smaller dogs myself so this is perfect. I called her Luna after Luna Lovegood, ok.. laugh if you must. I just had too, she's one of my faves.

She's a mixed-breed, Jack Russell-Cross. Her favourite things include sitting on my lap or her daddy's with her head out the window, sleeping between us in bed, cuddling up next to me, watching people and cars walking past and many many more completely adorable little traits - she really has helped me lots and has really completed our life's.

just look at that little face of hers I just want to squeeze her tehe

Mental Health & Chronic Illness.

Mental Health unfortunately, has been a huuuuge part of my life since I was fourteen. Panic attacks were the absolute bane of my life for a long long time, I seeked help eventually, they really are still horrendously terrifying I do still suffer just not as much on a much milder scale, which is incredible and I thank my body for allowing me this - I remember those days in school being curled up in the medical room waiting for my mum to pick me up and take me home, being absolutely clueless as to what was going on. I did a post on Panic Attacks, if you'd like to read that.

During the months where I wasn't blogging, I had an absolutely vile time with Anxiety, again, something sadly I've dealt with for as long as I can remember. I also took time out and seeked help for this - I changed doctors, had medical this and that and various other bits and pieces and I eventually found an incredible doctor that found out what was exactly going on, overwhelmingly from what I just coped with for what honestly is and felt like a lifetime, I had actually been suffering with conditions such as GAD, Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / M.E - I'm so thankful I changed my doctors, seeked further help. In my opinion, get a second opinion - always! Just to briefly sum up, I constantly felt tired, but tired to the extent where I physically felt like I couldn't do anything - hit a wall almost as some other sufferers would describe it. I'd ached constantly, like a flu ache or like I had walked miles upon miles, I never had any energy, constantly in pain. I just remember feeling like this for what felt like a whole lifetime to which my previous doctors just said it was anxiety, annoyingly I just accepted that.

Although, I just knew something just wasn't quite right, I shouldn't of been feeling that much unwell, that much pain etc. I feel like i'm an old lady trapped inside of a 24 year old's body. I still live life, I don't let this illness stop me unless of course there's a day where I practically felt really, really bad and I needed to rest. I just listen to my body and know what my triggers are etc - I'm now under going a pain course to deal with the pain.

Right now, i'm such a good place - i'm very happy. I'm so grateful for all my incredibly amazingly support circle too, my boyfriend especially has been so good :)


Thursday 26 March 2015

Bourton On The Water

Happy Thursday lovers, it's almost the weekend! I thought i'd do something a little different this week and yesterday we took a little trip to BirdLand, Bourton On The Water. I absolutely loved it, it;s such a cute little pokey place and one i'd describe as attracting many the tourist it's actually quite close to where i live and wasn't a long journey but was such a lovely, cute little place. We actually went to see the Birds, in BirdLand. But we did do a little sight seeing and stopped of for some fish and chips, it's only a small village but had this sea sidey feel to it although it's not a sea side town at all, the shops we're so quaint and cute also, i would've spent a fortune if i hadn't been so restrained - here's what we got up to: Fish & Chips, Sight Seeing, Penguins, Flamingos, Being Whistled At by Parrots, Pink Flamingos, Freezing, Spending & Bonding. 

What a cute little old place this is, i love villages and you'll find me wondering for hours about it's history and what not so for those nerds like myself that may find this interesting it's a little roman town and has River WindRush running through it :) I've taken some pictures below, I've rated this a 9/10 also, i recommend it :) BirdLand it's self was lovely to walk around, one for friends and family although i don't think it;s one for children but i absolutely love penguins, so much so i loved that about the place! :) 

(These two were taken from Google) 


Tuesday 24 March 2015

Back From The Moon / Update / Where I've Been

My oh my, it's been a while - crikey. I'm here alas and i will update you all as to where, what and whom and that malarkey! Damn, i don't even know where to begin to be honest with you all loves. I suppose i'll begin here, Anxiety. This little nightmare as some of you are aware - i suffer with this, i have done for a long old while now and it's definitely here for the long haul. I've had a right traumatic time with this the past couple of months, i've had a few anxiety attacks too, i've recently been through write a stressful point in my life and my has that reared its head too. That's one thing that's not only prevented me from blogging  but everyday things too. I've just only managed to attend work and to my dismay this bugger has been a battle and its won every single time! I have recently become aware that i do have a Anxiety Disorder, i'm much better in myself as it stands at the moment.. really hope it stays like this, it's a real battle if i'm honest with you. 

I've also recently been somewhat unwell and stressed which has caused a knock on my health hence the anxiety, i have now left and am looking very forward to my new job, i cannot wait. I'm the type of person that thrives for success, ambition and like to be challenged! I want a career and would rather not be stuck in a job i didnt enjoy! 

Driving & Lessons. 
This has taken a lot of my time up as i'm learning to drive at the moment i'm in the process of studying towards passing my theory so fingers crossed!

I've really really missed blogging and i'm very much looking forward to getting back into it just bare with me as i'm going to be altering and making some changes to my theme and layout and what not, happy blog happy mind. I'm soooo pleased to see my blog has reached 77 followers, this means so much to me. Thank you, you'll hear from me soon, very soon, keep your peepers peeled! xxxxx


Friday 23 January 2015

Lusting, Wishlist

Oh my god, who else finds themselves looking through page upon page of these beauty sites such as Feel Unique, Selfridges, Space Nk.. Do you have to wipe that drool that's dropping from the side of your mouth? Ha i feel you. There's just so much i want to add to my stash, so much that i'd love to add into my basket and the amount that basket totals up too, -chokes- It's not pretty. It's that little bit of luxury though and even though you might have to work three whole months it's worth that amount and when you have it it's like applying gold on your face! Here's my current 'Wants & Must Haves'. 

Mac - Speed Dial, Lipstick: Love this, i don't know what it is that's attracting me so much, i just really like the color, how it swatches and i know because of those two things i'm going to love wearing this. 

Zoeva Rose Gold Brush Set: I find myself saying every time i read a review or see a post or a picture for that matter of these ' Why don't you own them!' They look amazing, i need to jump on this, fast. 

Hour Glass Ambient Lighting Powder: Heard nothing but incredible things about this, it really looks like it apply's so beautifully and really makes a difference to your make up!

Anastasia Beverly Hills Dipbrow Promade & Pro Series Contour Kit: As i've gotten more and more into my brows and been somewhat my adventurous should we say, i do need to get my pretty little mitts on this craze that is Promade. 

What you lusting over? 


Saturday 17 January 2015

Seventeen Contour Kit


Seventeen ' Define & Conquer' Contour Kit / Link  - £5.99

I love a good old contour going on, it's vastly become a staple part of my make up routine, I don't think i'd not even be able to go without a bit of a the old dusting of the bronzer on my face. I have a fair few freckles and do find I do need to be a little careful so I don't ' over do it' but I just think it gives me so much dimension, it takes away from the freckles and being on the pale side it's kinda, well needed. I do enjoy the look contouring gives and I don't think i'm alone in doing it, I haven't quite mastered the whole Kim K of contouring but we need to start somewhere don't we and what a great way to start when these drugstore brands are absolutely smashing it with their kits and their take on the contouring trend that's hit us and the latest 'must have' kits or cheeks.

Okay so let's get onto the review shall we? - how sleek is this packaging, oh yes in true beauty blogger style I've noticed the somewhat Nars esc packaging that I do love. I do find the powders to be somewhat that little tad chalky, not that much of a big deal really, not for me but others it could be, if that bothers you. I found both powders to be decently pigmented and i'd most definitely go with the term ' buildable' which let's be honest is a good thing not bad. The darker powder obviously defines the face and it does but I did have to tap my brush to ensure I wasn't going to end up 'too chalky' and the lighter - highlighter shade illuminates, isn't orange tinged as some often can be, i'm not one for that whole orange face.

Overall / This has wowed me, contouring and kits like this scare me slightly due to my freckles. I'm light handed but it's so easy to 'over apply' minus it's slight chalky-ness it does blend lovely, and effortless. It's definitely buildable so it's fab for the daytime as well as the night time, or those cheeky nights out where you'd be a little more dramatic. The staying power was very surprising as it really did stay put for the whole day and for the whole night - can't complain, I think we can go as far as saying this is a right old bargain. I think it's a product i'll happily continue to play with and hopefully.. Master the skills of Kim K! Ay, it could happen.

                                                                 Have you tried this?



Friday 16 January 2015

Soap & Glory - ' Clean On Me'


Ever since I first discovered this brand, way back when I immediately loved them, they scream indulgence, pink in your face and general ' girly-ness' then they're most definitely for you - even back then, at 17 I fell for this brand, the packaging has changed since then but it's nice to see the 'girly-ness' has remained throughout their products which I find an absolute a winner.. Ay, i'm a beauty blogger of course I love packaging! If you'll know by now, i'm a firm believer I use to be a mermaid or something, a fish perhaps? I just love water and even more so when it's filled in the tub..  


Clean On Me / £6.50 - Link

This particular product has always been a firm favourite for me it's definitely one I've repurchased an umpteen amount just because I brimming love it so much and by heck it's worth this review. I'm sure i'm not the only one who sticks to what they know, love and just a classic is always a winner isn't it to be frank ladies - this huge bottle lasts me absolute months, another thing that makes me love this little beaut even more, the price is a barg at £6.50 - I've always returned back to this one, I tend get quite dry skin and this doesn't dry that out even more, it helps to soften and by heck don't my skin feel soft and moisturised afterwards and that's because this contains a built in moisturiser, what a winner.

I tend to be someone that sticks to a product and this stands out big for me, it smells divine and of course it's fragranced with that - oh, so addictive smell that we've all came to adore. This was the first ever product I brought from them that and when 'sugar crush' was in a blue bottle, anyone else remember? - old. What a babe of a product to be honest with you, it's a pale pink - gem.



Thick, luxurious and softening, a must have product that should be sat on all your bath - sides. 'Cleanliness is essential when godliness is improbable' Is this a love of yours too?

Monday 12 January 2015

Mini Splurge

In true style and living up to whole - beauty blogger status - here's my latest items that seemed to have found themselves into my basket - there's nothing like composing a post like this, you really can't have enough beauty items in your collection can you? I don't think i'll ever stop, of course not.

Two new Barry M Gelly Nail Paints to add to the mix, I've had my eye on the Papaya one for a while now and it's firmly been sat on my wishlist for longer than i'd like so picked up I did. 'Pomegrante' Is this gorgeous pinky - red shade, it's deep and beautiful - I can't wait to put these on my nails.

Finally I have my hands on the 'Bourjois CC Cream' & The ' Happy Light Serum Primer' I have wanted to try these both soooo long, I just haven't gotten around to picking them and on a deal of buy one get one half price how could I not? I'm dying to try them out, heard nothing but good things, I really really hope the live up to their hype, i'm expecting good things.

I really rate the Vitamin E Skincare, I think Superdrug have really triumph - These were two items that caught my eye from them! I can't wait to try them, the look and smell delish!

Finally is this little gem and a hell of a find! Tk Maxx, £3.99 - I suffer with redness and i'm very prone to spots etc so this is suppose to help that, can't wait to try this!


Monday 5 January 2015

My Top 8 Make Up Gems Of 2014


I was going to select an item from every single category, shampoo, blusher.. so forth. That'll take me a damn long time and you'd be here till the next one was due to go up. I kept it simple and understated, I went for the items that have made their way into my most used, daily make up routines and in my make up bag the absolute most this year, there have been the odd thing here and there but honestly these have been the ones that really have wowed me something chronic! I also went for things I've repurchased, indeed these are. 2014 definitely was a year for make up for me, I experimenting more, played around with shades and even rocked a vampy lip - so no surprises this post is packed with my most used, and my absolute gems of 2014. Without further a do here are my loves of 2014, enjoy..

Benefit, Porefessional Primer: I don't think i'm on my own when I say that I love this product, this was a hit not so long back and seemed to be the 'it' primer and with jolly good reason too, I opt between this one and the BodyShop's All-In-One Primer. If perhaps you don't have the funds for this one i'd go for that one because I hold a lot of love for that one too, I really do think this works wonders - it doesn't hide every pore or make the vanish because what will ay? It really creates the most amazing base for your make up and keeps it on all day and and hide away those imperfections, it's really lovely and i'd recommend investing in this.

Where to find this: Link

Price: £24.50

Soap & Glory's, Archery brow tint & precision shaping pencil: Of course a Soap & Glory product would make it into my favourite products of 2014 - would of thought it ay? I really do love their make up products and i'm very happy they did decide on bringing out their own make up line, I do really adore their normal line with all their bath products as well as their skincare things, honestly the products are amazing. I was quite the scaredy cat when it came to my brows, I was scared i'd over draw them or i'd somehow be kack handle and they'd look bloody awful but this pencil makes it fun and I can now see that brows really do set off your whole look, I don't think I've used anything else in the year, it's brilliant.

My Shade: Brownie Points - that name though, come on.. so cute!

Where to find this: Link

Price: £10.00

Urban Decay Naked 2 Palette: It would be an absolute lie if I didn't tell you I hadn't used this, it's been my most reached for and my absolute most used palette of 2014, it's pretty amazing and i'd even go as far as telling you i'm in love with this pallet, eye shadow palettes are something id invest in till my dying day, they're so practical and amazing! I've used this for nights out, Smokey eye looks and day time looks, it's so versatile and sp pigmented - it's so amazingly good, I still use this nower days and to this day it's still my favourite and was well worth every single penny, I even have a back up.

Favourite Shades: Foxy, Half Baked, Booty Call, Chopper, Tease & Suspect.

Where to find this: Link

Price: £37.00

Benefit Hoola Bronzer: Best bronzer I have ever, ever used! This actually was the first thing I brought myself from benefit, I had saved all my pocket monies up - I still love and use this now and that was when I was seventeen, it's always one of my most reached for products, you'll find me using this every day, it's such a good all rounder, applied lightly as a blush. All over for a sun kissed look, as a bronzer of course and also used as a contour powder - best thing ever, love this.

Where to find this: Link

Price: £23.50

Benefit Hervana Blush: Aah - my perfect everyday blush, absolutely adore this product - so effortless but so gorgeous at the same time! This has really really stood out to me this year. I still use everyday now too, the three shades swirled in together leave a really gorgeous pinky, peachy - coral shade on to your cheek, it looks so natural - love this so much.

Where to find: Link

Price: £23.50

The Body Shop All-In-One BB CREAM: As much as i'm a foundation junkie - that's a fine statement to make but its true. I never thought i'd love something like this, for lighter days i'd just use a lighter foundation. When I came across this I fell head over heels, I have used foundation all this year but this has been used quite an amount also, even in the winter months won't lie. It's so beautifully glowy but actually provides a really good coverage on the face, being a wonderful product and base. It's wonderful for those - no make days, it's really lovely and very much impressed, I've repurchased this and did receive another for Christmas and In all honestly, i'd choose this over any of my foundations, absolutely love this.

Where to find: Link

Price: £12.00

Rimmel Lasting Finish, Kate Moss Lipsticks: Okay, I had been honestly living under some rock - how hadn't I noticed these?! They're ah-mazing. I definitely sporting more lippys this year, I really experimented with colour that I didn't ever think id wear and that's not something i'd ever do, I was always a nude lip sorta girl but I found these and then vampy shades eat my heart out, i'm in love and hooked. I have a fair few now in my stash - go get them, they're fab. I wanted to list all of them however I couldn't, I needed be strict on myself. Stated above is 01 - this happens to be an absolute most worn shade, it's this gorgeous red however it's very vampy and just gorgeous, a must have for those who love a darker lip.

Where to find: Link

Price: £5.49

Benefit They're Real: Wow, there's a theme. I hadn't realize just how gaga for benefit I had been until I grouped all my most used and honestly most reached for items were, I do love them but woah, benefit overload. This mascara is incredible - I didn't think i'd love it as much as I would, but that isn't true, it's probably if not the best ever mascara I've ever used. It lengthens, is the blackest of black, doesn't budge and needs a jolly good make up remover to remove it from those lashes, separates and adds volume - what's not to love?!

Where to find: Link

Price: £19.50

Collection, 16 hour wear concealer: I too, indeed did jump on this bandwagon - best concealer ever and loved by so many. I must've like most purchased umpteen amounts of this! Perfect for under the eye although only applied lightly, it's a thick formula so be careful there but fab for blemishes as it'll conceal them effortlessly. What a winner!

Where to find: Link

Price: £4.19

What are your favourites? Happy New Year! I'm honestly looking forward to so many things this year, thank you so much for reading, all my love xo


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