Monday 2 June 2014

Haul | Hair Care & Beauty Bits & I'm Back!

Aaaah hello bloggery folks, look who's back in the blogger world - I have a new laptop, I cannot tells you how blimmin' happy I am that I can blog on a keyboard that works and to have usb ports that also work, it's awesome, I missed blogging so much - I did have access to the internet and my boyfriend has a pc but he's somewhat of a geek and spends his free time on their, bless him - where the pc isn't mine and more is it felt weird being on it, whereas this is mine and i'm waaay more comfortable blogging on here!

I have gathered the odd beauty item here and there, some I've used so apologises for that - psst, I couldn't help myself, I get way too excited. So I figured i'd bundle them up all up and jump into my first blog post since being mia in true bloggers style, a haul. Expect lots more posts as I've pre written them and they're just waiting nicely in a list - all organized eh. Anyways, Like I said - Haul. I ramble on like no mans business without further ado, in no particular order this is what I've picked up recently.  


Aussie 3 Minute Miracle reconstructor Intensive Treatment (£2.99 - B & M) This is just repurchase, I like to buy it from b and m as it's just so local, it's also that lil bit cheaper - it all helps. I absolutely couldn't recommend this enough, even till the cows went home. It's one of if not the best hair mask/treatment I have used on my hair, my hair was lacking everything, it was dry and to be honest what I thought, dead. I used this, till every last drop was all gone - it's helped so much, it's just amazing.

Lee Stafford Squeeky Clean Paddle Brush & Lee Stafford Perfectly Polished Finishing Touch Brush (Boots)
After seeing the Tangle Teezer in the same 3 for 2 offer I also picked up these two brushes, intrigued by them and I was also in need of softer bristle brushes as I now own pre bonded hair extensions, so they were a must - Lee Stafford is also one of my absolute favourite hair brands, so treats for my hair are a must right now, i'm sure my hair will thank me too! I also wanna learn the tricks of the trade and use the Paddle Brush when blow drying! And the Finishing Touch Brush after I've curled my hair for beachy waves, now i'm excited

Hair Doughnut (£1.50 Primark)
I've always wanted one of these! I have seen many the tutorial on you tube and the ladies make them look so fabulous, even using one of these on a night out looks so glamorous! - granted when I try, it most likely won't look anything like them pros! But, now I have longer hair i'm going to attempt it and style them up for nights out and day looks, so keep your peepers peeled for up coming hair posts too!

Tangle Teezer The Original (£10.99 Boots) I have always wanted one of these - not going to lie the price did swing me, even my mum was shocked, bless her. I did bite the bullet as there was an offer on so I grabbed two other brushes at the same time. I have just had pre-bonded hair extensions applied, she had used one of these on me and it didn't snag or pull on the bonds, infact it felt lovely going through, my hair is a great deal longer and obviously now, a lot thicker - so it be about time I finally got one, so a pink one got pulled off the shelf and was then purchased.

Tresemme Liquid Gold Perfecting Treatment (£5.99 Boots)
I've really gotten into my hair oils and treatments, i'm obsessed with looking after my hair right now, not a bad thing no, so i'm not going to complain.. just yet, It offers to 1, you can leave it to transform the hairs texture and finish the style. 2, To smooth flyaways and boost shine in your hair and thirdly, To manage and protect the hair between washes and as needed to tame the hair and rejuvenate the hair, looks so good I have to admit and i'm looking forward to use it and work with It.

Toni & Guy Hair Protection Mist (£2.19 Boots)
Who doesn't need heat protection? I plan many a wave in my hair, so this was a must. I like the look of it and have heard nothing but wonderful things about Toni & Guy so i'm expecting good things.

Toni & Guy Casual Sea Salt texturizing Spray (£2.19 Boots)
Blogger-spere must have. I haven't really had the hair or the longest locks should I say to pull off these mermaid looks so again, heard nothing but the best from this spray - just a mini one for now, but I have to say overly keen old me' Applied this right away, smells incred and worked, looked fab - loving it.

Argan Oil Hair Treatment (99p - £1.99 B & M )
Again, with the oils. I've not tried Argan Oil so I thought hey, I might as well - it's not going to cause any harm is it? Just good. I love the sound of this one I have to admit ' repairs and rejuvenates, leaving hair shiny, smooth and healthy' I do like my treatments, I expect this to be fab.

Shwarzpoft Dry Oil Mist & Shwarzpoft Beach Matt Mermaid Look Texturizing Salt Spray' (2 for £5 Tesco)
I like the sound of a dry oil mist, you can just spray this everywhere and just rub in or just leave it to settle into your hair - it smells so nice and it was quite cheap.

Simple Spotless Skin Quick Fix Cleansing Wipes (£1 at Tesco, On a offer at the time)
I love the simple spotless skin range, it's fantastic! I have reviews coming fairly soon - everything I have tried so far from this range has worked, instantly. It claims for you to see results from day one, I totally agree - I still get spots, sometimes it's just nice to refresh with a wipe. I like wiping one of these over my face first thing to clear up any oils or imperfections that could be lurking, helps to keep my pores clean.

Soap & Glory Archery (£10 Boots)
Best thing ever, period. I love it, I have a little panic attack when it isn't in my make up bag or the stash on regular used things - I wanted it for ages after seeing the hype and the price, ok yeah prevented me. £10 for this, my loverrrrrly mother honestly, she's amazing got it for me, used it everyday without fail - I couldn't be without it, a definite win win for me, pick it up if I were you.

Soap & Glory Bath Float (£8 Boots)
Soap & Glory are just incred for bath times and geniuses - it's on the pricey side, but it's worth every penny in your purse or bottom of your bag. I love them, My mum again picked this up for me, the babe of a women. It smells lovely and creates so many bubbles, essential for me that is. I certainly couldn't have a bath without a Soap & Glory product or two! Just wouldn't be the same, for a bubble bath to be complete this is a must.

Real Techniques Stippling Brush (£9.99 Asda)
They seem to be a little bit cheaper in Asda, mine unfortunately shred, it didn't last long. I'm presuming It was just a fault as my others haven't done that - I wash them properly, with proper things and everything. Ah wells, My boyfriend treated me to this on a weekly shop, I do love a mooch around Asda I love their beauty section - they're big and always have offers tehe, one can't not buy if on offer. It's the first brush I ever brought from them actually! I used it for everything, and I mean everything! Even to blend in my moisturizer - it's a well rounded brush, It's probably one of my favourites, i'd say 1st but they're some other really good ones, however - it's still amazing.

Garnier Summer Body (£3.57 Tesco)
I loved this last summer, throughout my dress wearing - this baby was right on side. I'm very pale, in fact that's an understatement. I burn real easy, 5 minutes and i'll be red raw, horrible. I do enjoy being tanned even if it's from a bottle - in my case, that's the way it's gotta be, I won't dare a sunbed, never. This, works wonders, I picked up the one for darker skin tones, I applied once and instantly saw results. It doesn't smell like that tan smell, the apricots masks that. However, it did the other night, badly so I don't know what that was, perhaps if you keep on applying it begins to or something? Other than the fact it doesn't soak in instantly, I found - it's a brilliant product and a summer must have!

Barry M Gelly Nail Paint 404 Hucklebury (£3.99 Boots)
I'll let it be known how much I love these nail paints, they're ah-mazing from the formula to how the apply to your nails, they're little pots of heaven, I couldn't not pick up this shade, it's a gorgeous pale blue, love this on my footsies.

Rimmel 60 Seconds Nail Varnish 405 Rose Libertine (£2-£3 Boots)
I have been loving this, it's a gorgeous peachy shade that's perfect for this summer. I have to tell you, it applied amazingly, I was so surprised and the staying power also receives the biggest thumbs up! It also removed fantastically and came off very quickly.

Herbal Essences Bee Strong strengthing hair mask (£2-£3 Tesco)
It's known now, that I love a hair mask this smells like honey and it's the nicest mask ever. It's so strengthing and even after a few uses I've noticed my ends being less weak and brittle, so far so good!

That's everything.. for now - wipes head. I hope you've enjoyed my haulin! I hope you've seen something you want to pick up or try out - keep your peepers peeled for up coming posts & reviews!



  1. Lovely haul! You seriously won't regret buying the Tangle Teezer, it's done wonders for my hair!


  2. Oh hay you. I'm so sorry to have heard about your grandad - very sad. My deepest sympathy! Thank you :) I absolutely love it - it's always in my bag now haha xxxxxxx


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