Sunday 15 June 2014

There's A Volcano In My Bath!

Oh god, who else is just so tempted to sing out ' sex bomb, sex bomb your my sex bomb?!' Seriously though, most cringe song award would go to that song without a doubt. Now, if you'll know me you'll know i'm a complete mermaid, not a wannabee - i totally know i already am. I absolutely love being in the water and when it comes to a bath, god i'm in one for ages, who isnt? I have came to the conclusion that you can't really be in a bath tub without a lush product in there, i don't know who else will be with me on that? But it's very true. 


Buying things in lush is so easy for me - everything that's pink, smells sweet and screams out at me in the baskets gets brought, it's simple. But, i can't say my bank balance agrees half the time. I can't remember if i've used this one before - it's hard, i've owned so much in that shop but i don't have a memory of me physically using it so i'm guessing not, this screamed buy me - i'm girlie, pink and purple and you need me in your bath, after smelling it decided that for me, i'll be honest. The little rose bud at the top or if it's flower petals is also such a nice little touch, it's so cute and now it's making me feel so sad that i've used it - but how would i be able to review it otherwise?! This trip i didn't buy enough, i do usually pick up like two of everything i like, however. This time, rushing that and the women was pouncing on me, i'm a shy shopper! 


Can i just say how blimmin difficult it was to get pictures of this - i think it's the fastest fizzer i've had yet, so quick. I felt so absolutely anxious yesterday - it was the anniversary of my gramps death, sadly and it brought it all back up for me, usually when i'm sad and down i then get anxious feelings also crop into that. I thought this one as it smelt of jasmine and sensual smells and i thought it smelt so calming! So i grabbed it. After using this in the evening it had completely calmed me down and helped me out so much i then discovered this on the lush website: When you've got that feeling - tired, stressed out and anxious - you need some sensual healing. The fragrant blend of jasmine, ylang ylang and clary sage will feeling in the mood.. Jasmine is an ancient aphrodisiac, used as a sensual perfume in India for centuries and in aromatherapy to ease stress and anxiety. Clary sage clears the mind, while ylang ylang is renowned for soothing worries. 

Before even knowing that it is a fab bath bomb to use when you're having anxiety or suffer from it i instantly did feel so much better, it's made me so happy knowing they do actually have a product for that, fab. I now need a few more of these in my stash. My only downside is how quickly it dissolved, it was so fast. It still smells absolutely incredible, felt so soothing and was so nice to bath in - i loved it so much. It's quite a big hefty bath bomb i found for £3.20 and for what it offers especially for an anxiety suffer was fab i thought. 

                                   It leaves you bath pink, what's not to love? 

1 comment:

  1. This is one of my favourites! So sad there isn't a Lush store near me :( xx


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