Friday 26 September 2014


I majorly wanted to answer this, how could I not? i'm British too so I thought it only be right to do so -  I hope you enjoy xo


1. How many cups of tea do you have a day? + How many sugars?
 Now, this depends on where I am as if i'm up my parents house then like 7 as my dad is an addict, honestly you'll finish one cup and another will be sat there waiting for you, it's pretty nuts. On an average day i'll have like one cup, most days I don't but when I do one - two cups - no sugar mainly but sometimes one.

2. Favourite part of your roast? oh gosh, definitely for me it's the roasties, best. thing. ever. - my boyfriends dad makes the best roasties, they're so good.

3. Favourite dunking biscuit? Malted Milks! every time.

4. Favourite quintessentially
British pastime? Fish & Chips, Being at the seaside - best thing. Pub Grub!

5. Favourite word? Splendid & Old' Chap.

6. Cockney rhyme slang? Apple & pears - stairs.

7. Favourite sweet? White Mice!

8. What would your pub be called? It's gotta be named after easties hasn't it so, the queen vic!

9. No.1 British person? Queenie, the queen.

10. Favourite shop / restaurant? My fave restaurant is nandos, actually - Shop, i'd say Topshop!

11. What british song pops into your head? I'LL TELL YA WHAT I WANT, WHAT I REALLY REALLY REALLY WANT!

12. Marmite. - VILE.

                                                     I tag anyone who wants to participate!
                                                      I'm now off for a jolly, old cup of tea.

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