Friday 20 November 2015

Life Rambles | Getting A Puppy, Mental Health & Chronic Ilness.

okay, okay let's address the elephant in the room. It's been a long old time since I sat down at my laptop and tapped away at my keys, hello loves. I don't even know where to begin, but If you'd like to continue to read onwards i'd get a cup of tea in one hand. I love that aspect of the bloggery-world that you can just sit down and share to your hearts content - It's really therapeutic for me to be honest. It's nice to have that space on the interwebs to just sit down and type away. I really think it's very important to share somewhat personal-ish parts because it's nice for your readers to see your not a robot, i'd love to say it's all good and positive days but sadly this is the real world and it's not like that, there's just as many tough, down and difficult days believe me, for one that's been a common occurance. I think I put way too much pressure on myself when I was in the swing on my bloggery-ways. But I do that, I much better now but at first when I started this journey - I love blogging, going away really made me sort of think and re-evaluate what I wanted to post, now i'm going to be focussing on everything and anything. I never really had a time frame either of how many times I wanted to upload a week, now I have a idea and I feel like i'm more structured, I've notebook filled with posts - keep your peepers pen and ready - I just also, wanted to thank you for comments and for following and baring with! - it's really, honestly appreciated. If you have any ideas on what you'd like too see please feel free to let me know, that'll be awesome. It's a lovely little hobby that I intend to keep :)

Luna-bear - the best little puppy in the world.

Luna was a surprise, a present from the most loveliest boyfriend. She's 6 months now, if you're interested i'm happy to post updates and such on her. You'll fall in love with her just as much as I am - she's so wonderful, loving, affectionate and honestly i'm smitten. She's really impacted my life in such an incredibly, amazingly way. I'm so thankful for her.

As you can imagine a lot of my time has been spent, on regular visits to the vets, walkies in the park, showing her off to everyone, she gets so much attention I think she gets annoyed with it aha she's great though, happy to lick and play bite anyone who crosses her path. It's insane to think just how much she's grown, she's the smallest out of her litter and she definitely still is very little, I think she'll stay little too, even when she gets older, I absolutely love smaller dogs myself so this is perfect. I called her Luna after Luna Lovegood, ok.. laugh if you must. I just had too, she's one of my faves.

She's a mixed-breed, Jack Russell-Cross. Her favourite things include sitting on my lap or her daddy's with her head out the window, sleeping between us in bed, cuddling up next to me, watching people and cars walking past and many many more completely adorable little traits - she really has helped me lots and has really completed our life's.

just look at that little face of hers I just want to squeeze her tehe

Mental Health & Chronic Illness.

Mental Health unfortunately, has been a huuuuge part of my life since I was fourteen. Panic attacks were the absolute bane of my life for a long long time, I seeked help eventually, they really are still horrendously terrifying I do still suffer just not as much on a much milder scale, which is incredible and I thank my body for allowing me this - I remember those days in school being curled up in the medical room waiting for my mum to pick me up and take me home, being absolutely clueless as to what was going on. I did a post on Panic Attacks, if you'd like to read that.

During the months where I wasn't blogging, I had an absolutely vile time with Anxiety, again, something sadly I've dealt with for as long as I can remember. I also took time out and seeked help for this - I changed doctors, had medical this and that and various other bits and pieces and I eventually found an incredible doctor that found out what was exactly going on, overwhelmingly from what I just coped with for what honestly is and felt like a lifetime, I had actually been suffering with conditions such as GAD, Fibromyalgia & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / M.E - I'm so thankful I changed my doctors, seeked further help. In my opinion, get a second opinion - always! Just to briefly sum up, I constantly felt tired, but tired to the extent where I physically felt like I couldn't do anything - hit a wall almost as some other sufferers would describe it. I'd ached constantly, like a flu ache or like I had walked miles upon miles, I never had any energy, constantly in pain. I just remember feeling like this for what felt like a whole lifetime to which my previous doctors just said it was anxiety, annoyingly I just accepted that.

Although, I just knew something just wasn't quite right, I shouldn't of been feeling that much unwell, that much pain etc. I feel like i'm an old lady trapped inside of a 24 year old's body. I still live life, I don't let this illness stop me unless of course there's a day where I practically felt really, really bad and I needed to rest. I just listen to my body and know what my triggers are etc - I'm now under going a pain course to deal with the pain.

Right now, i'm such a good place - i'm very happy. I'm so grateful for all my incredibly amazingly support circle too, my boyfriend especially has been so good :)


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