Wednesday 24 December 2014


How fast has this came around!? Scarily fast - Seeing, as it's almost upon us, i say this but it's almost here i'm soo excited I can barely type, not going to lie. I absolutely love this time of year, scrooge i'm definitely not. I can't wait for the turkey and for my family to rip open their presents and wake uo next to my love, I say wake up - i'll be jumping on him at the crack of dawn, I love everything to do with Christmas, the coming together of the family, giving and ripping open presents, the dinner and I think my absolute favourite thing of all is sitting around the tree, the smiles and the happiness and just being with my family, i'd choose that over anything, here's my tag - I've tweaked here and there but nonetheless enjoy.

What is your favourite Christmas movie/s?

Oh god, I love so many!! I think i'd easily sit all December watching every single one. I love home alone, who doesn't?! I think i'd have to be somewhat mad to of not heard of those. Jingle all the way, the Grinch is my all time favourite, Jim Carrey at his best i'd say. Elf of course, love love love elf! Annabelle's wish was a big one i'd watch all the time with my brothers, National Lampoons Christmas Vacation is another good one! I'd love to say Miracle on 34th street, but in all honesty I've never ever seen it, shock.

Do you open presents Christmas eve or Christmas morning?

Always Christmas morning, it's always been that way. However, it's become somewhat a tradition as I've gotten older that my mother would allow me one to open, she'd choose the most smallest of all mind you, but it just gets my heart racing even more. I really really wish we'd leave them till after dinner though or keep some aside for the evening or something as I just love to prolong the day, sadly we don't do this though.

Do you have a favourite Christmas memory?

Aw I do! Every year when I was little my grandfather would always buy me a beautiful dress to wear for Christmas day. I remember seeing them hang over the door with lovely little shoes with bows and frilly socks, I absolutely loved wearing them too, I felt like a princess - I absolutely adore my grandfather. Another was one morning waking up to this pink Barbie car that you could drive yourself, loved that so much. I also received one of those old school huge play kitchens, anyone else receive these? A little cooker, sinks and the taps would make a noise as if real water was running, loved it so much.

Favourite festive food?

I'm actually one of the fussiest people you'd meet, I miss out on the good things. That's me though, I do really love the turkey etc I just don't like most things that other people do.

Favourite Christmas gift?

To be honest, I never want anything. I pretty much love everything I get from everyone. I'm always so grateful  for me, it's mainly having my family around. 

Favourite Christmas scent?

Love walking past the little market stalls and all the different aromas flood your nostrils that's so lovely, Christmas candles also, love them. Tinsel and the smell of real Christmas trees in the air and of course, when your mum and dad get that turkey going, mmm!

Do you have any Christmas Eve traditions?

Everyone seems to all flood around my parents till god knows what time, then we decide it's time for bed. I always like to pop on some Christmas pjs and have myself a lovely bath and then pop on a Christmas film, i'm always waaay to excited to sleep but I do enjoy the build-up!

What tops your tree?
A yellow star!

As a child what was the one (crazy, wild, extravagant) gift you always asked for but never received?
I have a feeling I would've asked for something really crazy but mum and dad always got me such amazing presents, I was a quiet child and loved usual things a little girl would. I'm always so grateful with everything I receive.

What's the best part about Christmas for you?
For me it's never been the same since I lost my uncle four years ago, however. The coming together of my family I feel, this tops everything for me, sitting around that tree and gleaming I love that, we're all so happy and loving.

I Hope all your homes are filled with joy and laughter, smiles and lots of food. Thank you for reading my blog, merry Christmas xxxxxx


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